Use promo code 'GORGE' and get a BOGOF deal on all Food & Drinks titles.
Offer condition: Discounts cannot be used in combination and are calculated on full RRP. Where there are competing promo offers, the cart will automatically determine the best deal for you.
Deals valid for one day only, unless specified. They are not valid in combination with any recent offers, like 3for2 or our Black Friday sale.
Where the offer is Buy One Get One Free, the deal will calculate at the full RRP on the more expensive of the two titles.
Valid for instock items only - excludes titles on pre-order in both print and digital formats, and print bundles as they are already discounted.
Any codes must be entered and deals must be claimed at the time of ordering. Please follow the conditions of each deal, as we cannot apply discounts retrospectively.
Promotional code "GORGE" will not be applicable to print bundle prices of foodie titles.
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Expired on 1 December, '16 | Valid from 1 December, 2016
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