Vouchers.I'm API (or "Application Programmatic Interface" or Web Service) gives you access to our open database of vouchers and discount codes. Our API has a simple REST interface which transmits data over HTTP using GET requests. Results are returned in the body of the HTTP response in XML format.
We are meticulously building our voucher codes database to contain all existing vouchers available. We carefully rewrite voucher descriptions to be short, informative and precise. All vouchers in our database adhere to standardized format to be easily displayed, processed and distributed:
<voucher> <id>4003</id> <code>25PHONE</code> <deeplink>http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/search.do?n=0&searchTerm=25PHONE</deeplink> <valid_from>2008-11-10</valid_from> <valid_to>2008-11-14</valid_to> <ordervalue>0</ordervalue> <currency>pounds</currency> <details>25% discount on selected Landline Telephones</details> <terms/> <origin>affiliate</origin> </voucher>
We would love to hear from you in general, if you have any thoughts on Vouchers.Im and our voucher codes API, any feedback or suggestions what you'd like to see in our web service or how it can be improved. Please use contact us page to get in touch.
We offer two access levels for using the API.
You are allocated 200 api units per day to be used for any API call with just one restriction: you can not execute call to list fresh vouchers (those added in the last 5 days). These same vouchers, however, can be found and listed with other API calls.
You are allocated 1500 api units per day which you can use for any API call without restrictions.
Subscription cost for Premium access is £50 per month.
Premium access is provided on a per site basis; if you publish voucher codes on more than one website you must obtain
another API key for this purpose.
You need an access key to start using this service. To request your free API access key please complete registration form below:
To execute API call, the following segmented URL is called via HTTP GET request:
http://api.vouchers.im/api/function/API key/param1/param2/...
'function' is a name of API function to call
'API key' is your personal API access key
'param1','param2'.. required function parameters
Fields in server XML response are pretty much self-explanatory, but here is a quick reference to understand it better.
Root of XML tree:
This function returns complete list of merchants with active vouchers. It is called without any parameters besides API key.
This function takes 20 units for execution.
Example call:
Example response:
<title>123 Ink Cartridges</title>
<affiliatenetwork>Affiliate Future (www.affiliatefuture.com)</affiliatenetwork>
This function lists all vouchers of specified merchant. As a function parameter it needs either merchant id or merchant website.
This function takes 10 units for execution.
Example call, merchant id here is - 2040: http://api.vouchers.im/api/listVouchers/gjEc42DFs3049das1q==/2040 OR http://api.vouchers.im/api/listVouchers/gjEc42DFs3049das1q==/www.quakeformen.com Example response: <vouchersIm> <merchantid>2040</merchantid> <title>Quake for Men</title> <website>www.quakeformen.com</website> <affiliatenetwork>Affiliate Future (www.affiliatefuture.com</affiliatenetwork> <baseurl>http://vouchers.im/codes/Quake_for_Men_voucher_codes.html</baseurl> <vouchercount>5</vouchercount> <voucher> <id>3196</id> <code>FDC0815</code> <deeplink/> <valid_from>2008-09-05</valid_from> <valid_to>2008-12-23</valid_to> <ordervalue>0</ordervalue> <currency>pounds</currency> <details>15% discount for new customers</details> <terms/> <origin>affiliate</origin> </voucher> ... ... </voucher> <unitsleft>10</unitsleft> <status>OK</status> </vouchersIm>
This function lists all vouchers added in the last 5 days. It is called without any parameters besides API key.
This function takes 210 units for execution.
XML response is the same as for 'listVouchers' function.
This function lists vouchers expiring within 3 days. It is called without any parameters besides API key.
This function takes 20 units for execution.
XML response is the same as for 'listVouchers' function.
This page was last updated on May 29, 2022.