8% discount
Offer condition: Offer valid once per customer until January 9th. May not be combined with any other promotionnel offer. 8% discount from 45£ of purchase
INDERWEAR - Magasin de sous vetement homme et maillot de bain homme
Tous les sous-vêtements et maillots de bain pour hommes de marque sont sur inderwear.com : slip, boxer, string, caleçon, jockstrap
Offer condition: Offer valid once per customer until January 9th. May not be combined with any other promotionnel offer. 8% discount from 45£ of purchase
Offer condition: 8% off all orders over £45
Offer condition: Code available only once per customer, until Dec 31st 2015. Cannot be combined with sales or any other promotionnal offer.
Minimum spend: £35
Offer condition: Cannot be combined with sales items or any other voucher. Valid only once per customer.
Minimum spend: £50